
One of the primary features of desert is to support data type evolution via its generic codec for ADTs, and with some other design decisions.

In this section we review what kind of changes can be done to the data model without breaking binary compatibility.

Tuples vs products

As already mentioned on the codecs page, tuples and non-evolved case classes are binary compatible. This means that it is possible to convert a tuple to a case class without breaking the serialization format:

import io.github.vigoo.desert._
import io.github.vigoo.desert.Evolution._
import io.github.vigoo.desert.shapeless._

case class Point(x: Int, y: Int)
object Point {
  implicit val codec: BinaryCodec[Point] = DerivedBinaryCodec.derive

val ex1 = for {
  data1 <- serializeToArray((5, 6))
  pt1 <- deserializeFromArray[Point](data1)
  data2 <- serializeToArray(pt1)
  tup2 <- deserializeFromArray[(Int, Int)](data2)
} yield (pt1, tup2)
// ex1: Either[DesertFailure, (Point, (Int, Int))] = Right(
//   value = (Point(x = 5, y = 6), (5, 6))
// )

Primitives vs wrappers

Codecs derived with deriveForWrapper are also fully compatible with their underlying primitive type, so it is fully safe to evolve the date model to make use of more and more value type wrappers:

case class Id(id: Int) // extends AnyVal // extends AnyVal
object Id {
  implicit val codec: BinaryCodec[Id] = DerivedBinaryCodec.deriveForWrapper

val ex2 = for {
  data1 <- serializeToArray(3)
  id1 <- deserializeFromArray[Id](data1)
  data2 <- serializeToArray(id1)
  raw1 <- deserializeFromArray[Int](data2)
} yield (id1, raw1)
// ex2: Either[DesertFailure, (Id, Int)] = Right(value = (Id(id = 3), 3))


Collection codecs share their binary representation via iterableCodec and they can be freely replaced:

val ex3 = for {
  data1 <- serializeToArray(List(1, 2, 3))
  set1 <- deserializeFromArray[Set[Int]](data1)
  data2 <- serializeToArray(set1)
  vec1 <- deserializeFromArray[Vector[Int]](data2)
} yield (set1, vec1)
// ex3: Either[DesertFailure, (Set[Int], Vector[Int])] = Right(
//   value = (Set(1, 2, 3), Vector(1, 2, 3))
// )

Adding a new field

If a case class gets extended by a new field, it has to be explicitly marked with an evolution step stored in the @evolutionSteps annotation. For adding a new field, this defines a default value to be used when deserializing an old data. With this the old and the new data model remains fully compatible:

  • If the old version reads a new data, it skips the new field
  • If the new version reads an old data, it uses the provided default to set the field
case class PointV1(x: Int, y: Int)
object PointV1 {
  implicit val codec: BinaryCodec[PointV1] = DerivedBinaryCodec.derive

@evolutionSteps(FieldAdded[Int]("z", 1))
case class PointV2(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
object PointV2 {
  implicit val codec: BinaryCodec[PointV2] = DerivedBinaryCodec.derive

val ex4 = for {
  oldData <- serializeToArray(PointV1(10, 20))
  newPt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV2](oldData)
  newData <- serializeToArray(newPt)
  oldPt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV1](newData)
} yield (oldPt, newPt)
// ex4: Either[DesertFailure, (PointV1, PointV2)] = Right(
//   value = (PointV1(x = 10, y = 20), PointV2(x = 10, y = 20, z = 1))
// )

Note that the added field does not have to be last position of the case class.

Making a field optional

Another supported evolution step is making a field optional. This can be an intermediate step before completely removing an obsolete field. Once again this change has to be recorded in the @evolutionSteps annotation. With that, we get the following capabilities:

  • If the old version reads the new data, and it is Some(x), it will be read as x
  • If the old version reads the new data, and it is None the serialization fails
  • If the new version reads the old data, it automatically wraps the field in Some
  FieldAdded[Int]("z", 1),
case class PointV3(x: Int, y: Int, z: Option[Int])
object PointV3 {
  implicit val codec: BinaryCodec[PointV3] = DerivedBinaryCodec.derive

val ex5 = for {
  v1Data <- serializeToArray(PointV1(10, 20))
  newPt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV3](v1Data)
  newData <- serializeToArray(newPt)
  v2Pt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV2](newData)
} yield (v2Pt, newPt)
// ex5: Either[DesertFailure, (PointV2, PointV3)] = Right(
//   value = (
//     PointV2(x = 10, y = 20, z = 1),
//     PointV3(x = 10, y = 20, z = Some(value = 1))
//   )
// )

val ex5fail = for {
  v3Data <- serializeToArray(PointV3(10, 20, None))
  v2Pt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV2](v3Data)
} yield v2Pt
// ex5fail: Either[DesertFailure, PointV2] = Left(
//   value = NonOptionalFieldSerializedAsNone(fieldName = "z")
// )

Note that any field can be made optional, not just the one which was added later like in this example.

Removing a field

The third supported evolution step is removing a field. Here backward compatibility has a limitation:

  • New version can read old data by simply skipping the removed field
  • Old version can only read new data if the removed field was an Option[T], reading it as None
  FieldAdded[Int]("z", 1),
case class PointV4(x: Int, y: Int)
object PointV4 {
  implicit val codec: BinaryCodec[PointV4] = DerivedBinaryCodec.derive

val ex6 = for {
  v2Data <- serializeToArray(PointV2(10, 20, 30))
  newPt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV4](v2Data)
  newData <- serializeToArray(newPt)
  v3Pt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV3](newData)
} yield (v3Pt, newPt)
// ex6: Either[DesertFailure, (PointV3, PointV4)] = Right(
//   value = (PointV3(x = 10, y = 20, z = None), PointV4(x = 10, y = 20))
// )

val ex6fail = for {
  v4Data <- serializeToArray(PointV4(10, 20))
  v2Pt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV2](v4Data)
} yield v2Pt
// ex6fail: Either[DesertFailure, PointV2] = Left(
//   value = FieldRemovedInSerializedVersion(fieldName = "z")
// )

Transient fields

Adding a new transient field does not change the binary representation.

Making an existing field transient can be recorded as an evolution step called FieldMadeTransient. It is just an alias for FieldRemoved from the serializer’s point of view, so the same rules apply as for field removal.

  FieldAdded[Int]("z", 1),
case class PointV5(x: Int, @transientField(0) y: Int)
object PointV5 {
  implicit val codec: BinaryCodec[PointV5] = DerivedBinaryCodec.derive

val ex7 = for {
  v4Data <- serializeToArray(PointV4(10, 20))
  newPt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV5](v4Data)
} yield newPt
// ex7: Either[DesertFailure, PointV5] = Right(value = PointV5(x = 10, y = 0))

val ex7fail = for {
  v5Data <- serializeToArray(PointV5(10, 20))
  v4Pt <- deserializeFromArray[PointV4](v5Data)
} yield v4Pt
// ex7fail: Either[DesertFailure, PointV4] = Left(
//   value = FieldRemovedInSerializedVersion(fieldName = "y")
// )

Adding a new constructor

Adding a new constructor to a sealed trait is allowed, but it has to be added to the end of the list to maintain constructor ID order. For the same reason it is currently not supported to remove a constructor either. Each constructor can be evolved separately with the above methods as they have their own evolution steps.

Adding a new transient constructor

Constructors marked with transientConstructor are not getting an associated constructor ID so they can be inserted or get removed freely.

Type registry placeholders

When using type identifiers with the type registry and a previously registered type has been removed from the code, it’s place can be kept assigned by using registerPlaceholder in the registration:

val typeRegistry2 = DefaultTypeRegistry()
  .registerPlaceholder() // previously: .register[Impl1]

Generic product evolution encoding

This section gives an overview of how the above described evolution steps are being encoded in the binary representation of case classes.

Let’s examine the output of serializing the above examples!

val v1 = serializeToArray(PointV1(100, 200))
  • The first byte is the version and it is 0 because there are no evolution steps for this type.
  • This makes it compatible with a (Int, Int) pair
  • 0, 0, 0, 100 is the fixed 32-bit integer representation of 100
  • 0, 0, 0, -56 is the fixed 32-bit integer representation of 200
  • So PointV1 is always serialized into 9 bytes
val v2 = serializeToArray(PointV2(100, 200, 300))
  • The first byte is version (or in other words, the number of evolution steps) which is now 1
  • Because the version is non-zero, the next item to read is a variable-width integer representing the chunk size of the original version-0 data
  • In this case it takes 1 byte: 16 which represents 8, the sum of the two 32 bit fields x and y
  • Following it the next item is again a variable-width integer representing the chunk size for the single newly added field z
  • It is again 1 byte: 8 which means 4
  • The rest is the first chunk containing the fields from V1 and then the next chunk containing the field from V2
  • The old version can use the chunk size data to skip the unknown fields and only read the first one
  • PointV2 takes 15 bytes by having 3 bytes of header and 12 bytes of data
val v3 = serializeToArray(PointV3(100, 200, Some(300)))
  • The first byte is now 2 as we added a new evolution step
  • The header part starts with almost the same two values, encoded as 16, 10
  • The first chunk is still 8 byte long, but the next one is now 10 which means 5, because the Option wrapper adds an extra byte to differentiate None or Some
  • After the two variable integers we have a third one corresponding to the third evolution step. But as it did not add any new fields, it is not a chunk size, but a special negative number marking the field as optional.
  • This is the value 1 which in fact represents -1 in the variable-length integer encoding. This code is always followed by a serialized field position, which is again a variable-length integer, in this case 1 aka -1 again.
    • Negative field positions address a non-first chunk
    • Positive field positions address a field in the first chunk
    • This is for space efficiency. The first chunk is kept flat without any chunk size info needed so non-evolved data type serialization is almost zero cost.
  • The rest is the data itself, first chunk is still 8 bytes
  • Second chunk is now 5 bytes, the 1 indicates that it is Some and the rest 4 bytes are the 32-bit integer
  • PointV3 takes 18 bytes in total, 5 bytes of header and 13 bytes of data
val v4 = serializeToArray(PointV4(100, 200))
  • The first byte is now 3
  • The first chunk size is still 16 because we removed the field from the second chunk
  • The next integer still represents the chunk size for the second evolution step, which was adding the field z. But as it has been later removed, the chunk size is now 0
  • The third variable integer in the header part is 1 representing that a field has been removed.
  • It is followed by the field position which in V3 was -1 pointing to the second chunk. But as that is removed now, it is a special value -128, which is FieldPosition.removed
  • The fourth variable integer is again a special code, encoded as 3 representing the value -2. This is the code for field removal.
  • It is followed by a serialized string containing the removed field’s name. String deduplication is enabled here as it was described in the codecs page.
  • As this is the first occurrence of the string "z" it is encoded as 2, 122.
  • The rest 8 bytes are the first chunk containing x and y
  • So PointV4 in this example takes 16 bytes in total, where 8 bytes are header and 8 bytes are data. The exact size depends on the string IDs so it can change in real world situations.