Customizing the runner

The runner is responsible for stating the native processes and wiring all the redirections together. The default implementation is called JVMProcessRunner.

There are use cases when providing a custom runner makes sense. One such use case could be to launch external processes within a docker container in case of running on a development machine (for example from tests), while running them directly in production, when the whole service is running within the container.

We can implement this scenario by using JVMProcessRunner in production and a custom DockerizedProcessRunner in tests, where we define the latter as follows:

import java.nio.file.Path
import java.util.UUID

case class DockerImage(name: String)

case class DockerContainer(name: String)

case class DockerProcessInfo[DockerProcessInfo](container: DockerContainer, dockerProcessInfo: DockerProcessInfo)

class DockerizedProcessRunner[Info](processRunner: ProcessRunner[Info],
                                    mountedDirectory: Path,
                                    workingDirectory: Path,
                                    image: DockerImage)
  extends ProcessRunner[DockerProcessInfo[Info]] {

  override def startProcess[O, E](process: Process[O, E]): IO[RunningProcess[O, E, DockerProcessInfo[Info]]] = {
    for { 
      container <- generateContainerName
      runningProcess <- processRunner
        .startProcess(wrapInDocker(process, container))
    } yield runningProcess.mapInfo(info => DockerProcessInfo(container, info))

  override def startProcessGroup[O, E](processGroup: ProcessGroup[O, E]): IO[RunningProcessGroup[O, E, DockerProcessInfo[Info]]] = {
    Traverse[Vector].sequence( => => key -> c))).flatMap { keyAndNames =>
      val nameMap = keyAndNames.toMap 
      val names =
      val modifiedProcessGroup = ProcessGroup.Mapper[O, E] {
        def mapFirst[P <: Process[fs2.Stream[IO, Byte], E]](process: P): P = wrapInDocker(process, names.head).asInstanceOf[P]
        def mapInnerWithIdx[P <: Process.UnboundIProcess[fs2.Stream[IO, Byte], E]](process: P, idx: Int): P = 
          wrapInDocker(process, names(idx)).asInstanceOf[P]
        def mapLast[P <: Process.UnboundIProcess[O, E]](process: P): P = wrapInDocker(process, names.last).asInstanceOf[P]
          .map(_.mapInfo { case (key, info) => DockerProcessInfo(nameMap(key), info) })

  private def generateContainerName: IO[DockerContainer] =

  private def wrapInDocker[O, E](process: Process[O, E], container: DockerContainer): Process[O, E] = {
    val envVars = process.environmentVariables.flatMap { case (key, value) => List("-e", s"$key=$value") }.toList
      "run" :: 
        "--name" :: ::
        "-v" :: mountedDirectory.toString :: 
        "-w" :: workingDirectory.toString :: 
        envVars ::: 
        List(, process.command) ::: 