Connecting processes together via pipes

Connecting one process to another means that the standard output of the first process gets redirected to the standard input of the second process. This is implemented using the redirection capabilities described on the redirection page. The result of connecting one process to another is called a process group and it implements the trait ProcessGroup[O, E].

To create a process group, either:

  • Use the | or via methods between two unbounded processes
  • Use the | or via methods between an unbounded process group and an unbounded process

It is important that the process group construction must always happen before any redirection, the type system enforces this by requiring the involved processes to be UnboundedProcess.

:bulb: Process.UnboundedProcess is a type alias for a process with all the redirection capabilities

Let’s see an example of simply pipeing:

val group1 = Process("grep", List("ERROR")) | Process("sort")
val group2 = group1 | Process("uniq", List("-c"))

A custom pipe (when using via) can be anything of the type ZStream[any, ProxError, Byte] => ZStream[any, ProxError, Byte]). The following not very useful example capitalizes each word coming through:

val customPipe: ProxPipe[Byte, Byte] =
    (s: ZStream[Any, ProxError, Byte]) => s
      .via(ZPipeline.utf8Decode.mapError(UnknownProxError.apply))            // decode UTF-8
      .via(ZPipeline.splitLines)            // split to lines
      .map(_.split(' ').toVector)                   // split lines to words
      .map(v =>" "))
      .intersperse("\n")                            // remerge lines 
      .flatMap(str => ZStream.fromIterable(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) // reencode

val group3 = Process("echo", List("hello world")).via(customPipe).to(Process("wc", List("-w")))